On turning 41 on a Wednesday and other things
This week I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to fill a house.
When I first moved into my Bywater house, six years ago now – I marveled at the fact that I was one person sleeping in a house with TWO beds (baby’s first guest room and I’m baby). I splurged on having the closets organized with shelves and rods and thought – I’ll never fill these up. How could I ever?
Last week, Samantha Irby, in her essential newsletter, lamented over all of the versions of herself she encountered as she packed her house to move. I thought immediately of my guest bedroom closet and all the versions of myself that exist in that closet. The version of myself that makes pizelles during the holidays. The version who makes clay earrings. The version of myself who is going to wear my mom’s wedding dress? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Follow up question, ARE THEY ME? The answer is yes.
In other news, I have a birthday coming up this Wednesday. 41 feels like the appropriate age to turn mid-week, ya know? And speaking of closets – the year after a milestone birthday carries the same vibe as being in the middle of cleaning out a closet. It’s like… welp, here we – me and all the versions of myself spilling out in little piles to lament and admire. What I do know is, the 40’s feel great! I dress for comfort AND I’m sexy because I know so. I’m also starting to get those deep set neck wrinkles, giving a preview of what I’ll look like if I’m lucky enough to get old.
Here’s some Sunday things for you. As always, take only what you need:
• I have felt like the roots of the Buffalo massacre run deeper than most media outlets acknowledge. What The Media Is Missing About the Buffalo Shooting, is a condensed interview with Wesley Lowery from this episode of the podcast, What Next. It helps keep this senseless violence in perspective. The past is the present, slightly different but relentless. (Slate, Twitter)
• “To be alive in this nation…” – Adrienne Oliver (Instagram)
• Around the Wilson family table circa 1989 it was Tofu Potato Bake (extra ketchup) and Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper (extra cheese, please) and honestly, I’d still eat a giant plate of both. Here’s A Belated Appreciation of My 80’s Mom’s Cooking (Hello Gloria)
• Speaking of hamburger helper, here’s a Timothy has a vegan version that SLAPS. (Mississippi Vegan)
• In another life, I would have been an air traffic controller. (I know, how weird is that?) This story, and it’s happy ending, thrill me Miracle In The Air and reminds me of this Dateline episode about a a young girl learning to fly. (Medium, Apple Podcasts)
• A show of hands from all of us who were influenced by Kim to buy a fanny pack in last week’s post. I feel like I’m seeing a lot of hands.
• Our friend Toby on The Hard Work of Making New Friends. It took me three years to settle into new friendships in New Orleans – that’s a long time! (Hello Gloria)
• Early summer is also known as Pasta Salad Season so please accept this sandwich-inspired offering: Muffuletta Pasta Salad (Joy the Baker)
• This week in Ladyland, a day in the life or Parnassus book buyer and author Lindsay Lynch. (LadyLand)
• Hey SAN FRANCISCO! I’ll be at the grand opening of the new, beautiful Williams Sonoma in Corte Madre doing a cooking demo on Saturday June 11th! I’d love to see you! Tickets are free or you can purchase one of my new cake mixes! (Williams Sonoma)
• Hey SEATTLE! I’ll be in your neighborhood this June! I’ll be making cake at Williams Sonoma on Sunday June 12th – it’s free or you can buy one of my new Mocha Coffee Cake Mixes! I’ll also be back at Book Larder on Tuesday June 14th making fried blueberry pies from the new issue of Joy the Baker Magazine! I’d LOVE to see you! (Williams Sonoma, Book Larder)
• I’ve just discovered a sudden and intense passion for micro batch baking. Here’s my latest recipe for two, and just two Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins. I’m leaning into what I call Little Treat Lifestyle. (Instagram)
• Last thing, friends! I really want to know what you’re into. I love this space we’ve built together and I’d love to hear from you. Please email any article links, book suggestions, and podcast / album recommendations to me at joy[at]joythebaker.com and our next Sunday post together will be a compilation of all our favorites! Thank you thank you thank you!
Have the most lovely Sunday!
xo Joy
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