Whole Foods, Safeway, Meijer, other brands of shrimp recalled in salmonella outbreak
A small outbreak of salmonella cases linked to frozen cooked shrimp begat a nationwide recall of eight brands, including name brand Chicken of the Sea and the house brands of Whole Foods Market, Safeway, Meijer and Hannaford.
All the recalled shrimp comes from manufacturer Avanti Frozen Foods of India and were distributed from December to February. Of the six people sickened with salmonella, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention safety alert says four live in Nevada and two live in Arizona.
The FDA said it found salmonella in a January import sample from Avanti. That shipment was destroyed in March, but illnesses started showing up in April that appeared to be related to the salmonella found in Avanti’s shrimp three months earlier.
“As of (Friday), there are six clinical isolates from ill people that are genetic matches to the salmonella collected from the import sample,” the FDA said. “Five of the six ill people were interviewed to determine the foods they ate before becoming sick, and all five ill people report eating shrimp.”
That shrimp is past expiration and no longer on shelves. Here are the frozen, cooked, peeled and deveined shrimp that are still within expiration and being recalled. If you have them, either toss them out or return them to the store for a full refund.
▪ 365 (Whole Foods store brand), tail on — 2-pound pouch; code Nos. 91AS/29HN/212B and 91AS/30HN/213; expiration dates 4/29/2022 and 4/30/2022.
▪ Censea, tail off — 2-pound pouch; code Nos. 140313D, 140314D, 140315D, 140316D; expiration dates 5/7/2022 through 5/10/2022.
▪ Chicken of the Sea, tail on — 16-ounce tray; code Nos. 91AS/02UN/216 and 91AS/03UN/217; expiration dates 5/1/2022 and 5/2/2022.
▪ CWNO, tail on — 7-pound pouch; code Nos. code Nos. 91AS/06UN/220D, 91AS/07UN/221C, 91AS/23HN/206B, 91AS/24HN/207; expiration dates 1/23/2022; 1/24/2022; 2/6/2022; and 2/7/2022.
▪ Hannaford, tail on — 1-pound pouch; code Nos. AVF 30920 EF and AVF 31020 EF; expiration dates 10/25/2022 and 10/26/2022.
▪ Honest Catch, tail on — 1-pound pouch; code No. 3150-GFF; expiration date 11/9/2022.
▪ Meijer, tail on — 1-pound pouch; code Nos. 29720 49982, 29820 49982, 30220 50736, 30320 50736, 30520 49486, 30620 49486, 30920 50737, 31020 50737; expiration dates 10/22/2022, 10/23/2022, 10/27/2022, 10/28/2022, 10/30/2022, 10/31/2022, 11/3/2022, 11/4/2022.
▪ Open Acres, tail on — 1-pound pouch; code No. 02572 0307 11 and 02572 0308 11; expiration dates 11/2/2022 and 11/3/2022.
▪ Waterfront Bistro (Safeway house brand), tail on — 16-ounce tray; code Nos. 20305 and 20306; expiration dates 10/30/2022 and 10/31/2022.
By the CDC’s count, salmonella strikes 1.35 million Americans each year, hospitalizes about 26,500 and kills 420. Most at risk for the worst effects are senior citizens, children under 5 and those with damaged immune systems. Most people get fever, vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea for four to seven days.
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