Health Fusion: Fast food, kids and the pandemic’s influence on eating habits

Fast food is fine every now and then, right? That’s what results from a new poll show about parents’ views on their kids’ eating habits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers conducted the poll to learn about pandemic-related lifestyle changes involving food. The University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health revealed some interesting things.

  • One in six parents say kids eat fast food twice a week
  • One in five parents say they’re too stressed to cook
  • 40% of parents say they’re too busy to cook
  • Almost all parents say fast food is unhealthy for their kids, but acceptable in a pinch

The researchers want to encourage parents to help their kids make healthier choices when ordering fast food. Examples of healthier options include water or milk instead of sugary drinks.

While the pandemic may have prompted some parents to opt for more fast food, the poll also showed that some families improved their eating habits by cooking more at home. The researchers say they’re glad to see that the pandemic prompted better eating habits for some parents. They say that people who work at home may have had a little more time to get creative in the kitchen.

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