Farm2U returns to the Kansas State Fairgrounds, adding two new elementary schools to the program


Tom Clayman hands out pieces of freshly-sheered wool during the Farm2U event put on by the Reno County Farm Bureau Association on Monday, Mar. 21, at the Kansas State Fairgrounds Prairie Pavilion.

At the Kansas State Fair’s Prairie Pavilion, almost 350 third-grade students from 10 Hutchinson elementary schools filed in to learn how farmers and manufacturers make more than 100 everyday products.

The Reno County Farm Bureau Association began the Farm2U event for Hutchinson’s third-grade elementary students 12 years ago, teaching children 8 to 9 years old about different facets of agriculture.

For the last two years, COVID-19 shut down the Farm Bureau’s Farm2U events, but this year it returned and added two new schools, Central Christian School and Holy Cross Catholic School.

The other eight elementary schools include Graber, McCandless, South Hutchinson, Allen Magnet, Lincoln, Faris, Wiley and Morgan.

A primary focus of Farm2U is teaching children where food comes from and the different technologies that farmers and ranchers use to continue and advance agricultural practices.


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