July 26, 2024


Than a Food Fitter

Dilly D’s Sports Grill | beaconjournal.com

35 min read
Jan. 4, 2022 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 8

3717-1-02.4(A)(1) / PIC: Assignment of Responsibility
Critical No person in charge present in food facility during inspection.

3717-1-02.4(C)(15) / PIC: duties – ensure employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report their health information
Critical Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health. *Provided SCPH Employee Health Policy Agreement. Review and implement with all employees.

3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food – preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Corrected During Inspection Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. Observed cartons of raw shell eggs stored on the top shelf of the 2 door reach-in cooler. *Eggs must be stored below ready-to-eat foods. Discussed with cook.

3717-1-04.4(N)(1) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization (chlorine) – temp., pH, concentration, and hardness
Critical Repeat Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration. Observed dish machine was not properly sanitizing. Observed no detectable sanitizer/0ppm. *Discontinue use of dish machine and have it serviced. Utilize 3-compartment sink to wash, rinse, and sanitize dishes until machine is working properly.

3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food – cold holding.
Critical TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature. Observed containers of whipped butter and garlic butter sitting out at room temperature. *Discussed with cook, butter is a TCS food and must be held under temperature control. Explore non-TCS products, such as margarine, if you wish to store at room temperature.

3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Ready-to-eat, TCS food not properly discarded when required. Observed house made dressings/sauces such as ranch, spicy ranch, and “Dilly sauce” were expired. *Items were discarded at the time of inspection. House made sauces are considered TCS and must be used or discarded within 7 days.

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. Observed cooked chicken and hot dogs were not date marked for expiration. *Discussed with cook. Items were dated at the time of inspection.

3717-1-07(B) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Working containers – common name.
Critical Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled. Observed unlabeled cleaning spray bottles throughout the facility. *Label spray bottles.

Non-priority Violations: 7

3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Facility does not have an employee with manager certification in food protection. *At least one manager must obtain certification in food protection.

3717-1-02.4(C)(17) / PIC: duties – ensure the facility has written procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events.
No written procedures for responding to vomiting or diarrheal events. *Provided example procedure.

3717-1-02.3(A) / Food contamination prevention – eating, drinking, or using tobacco.
Corrected During Inspection Employee eating, drinking, or using tobacco in non-designated area. Observed an uncovered employee drink on the food preparation table in the kitchen. *Drink was removed at the time of inspection. Drinks must be covered if in food preparation areas.

3717-1-04.4(A)(2) / Equipment components kept intact, tight, and adjusted
Equipment components are not intact, tight or properly adjusted. Observed a leak and rusty shelving in the upright 2-door reach-in cooler. *Repair leak, resurface or replace rusted shelving.

3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Repeat Equipment not approved by a recognized testing agency. Observed two non commercial microwaves and a small food processor. *These items must be replaced with commercial grade equipment.

3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. Observed interior and exterior of small prep cooler was dirty with debris.

3701-21-25(I) / Person in charge certification in food protection
Repeat FSO did not have a person in charge per shift with the person in charge certification in food protection.

May 10, 2021 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 5

3717-1-02.4(B)(1) / PIC: Demonstration of Knowledge – No Critical Violations
Critical PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations.

3717-1-05.1(O)(1) / Using a handwashing sink – accessible at all times
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Handwashing sink not accessible. Observed handskink blocked with items. *Corrected during inspection: items removed. Ensure handsink is accessible at all times.

3717-1-03.2(N)(1) / Gloves – use limitation
Critical Single-use gloves used improperly. Observed employee touch mask/face several times without changing gloves.

3717-1-04.4(N)(1) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization (chlorine) – temp., pH, concentration, and hardness
Critical Repeat Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration. Observed 0ppm chlorine in the low temp dish machine. **Owner made a call to have it serviced during inspection. Use 3 compartment sink to wash/rinse/sanitize.

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical CorrectedDuringInsp Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. Observed several items not being date marked: cooked rice, baked potatoes, mac and cheese. *Corrected: items dated during inspection.

Non-priority Violations: 4

3717-1-04.8(A) / Equipment and utensils – air-drying required.
Equipment and utensils are not being air dried. Observed containers being stacked wet on top of eachother after being cleaned and sanitized.

3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Equipment not approved by a recognized testing agency. Observed 2 non-commercial microwaves in the kitchen. Only commerciale grade equipment is approved for use. Remove from facility.

3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Facility not maintained clean. Observed the following:-flooring under grill top equipment to have heavy build up of grease, dirt and old food debris-flooring under bulk ice bin to be dirty with dirt and debris

3701-21-25(I) / Person in charge certification in food protection
FSO did not have a person in charge per shift with the person in charge certification in food protection.

June 17, 2020 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 4

3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food – preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. *Observed frozen steak in the reach in freezer that was uncovered. **Lid was placed on container, please make sure that food is covered, wrapped, or otherwise protected from contamination during storage.

3717-1-04.4(N)(1) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization (chlorine) – temp., pH, concentration, and hardness
Critical Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration. *Observed that the chemical dish washer had a concentration of 0ppm, and that the sanitizer line was not pulling any chemicals from the bottle. **Please use the 3 compartment sink as the primary means of sanitizing until this unit can dose 50 ppm of chlorine when running. Service call was made during inspection.

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. *Observed dates missing from all the pre-portioned meats in the reach in cooler (brisket, pulled pork, corned beef that was not in the bin), additionally, observed ribs marked as being made on 5/28. Ribs were not old, chef stated they were marked improperly by previous cook. **All items were marked or remarked (chef called employee to verify date on ribs), please make sure all TCS RTE items are date marked properly.

3717-1-05.3(C) / Sewage and other liquid waste: Backflow prevention.
Critical Repeat Direct connection between the sewage system and a drain originating from equipment in which food, portable equipment, or utensils are placed. *Observed that the ice bin at the bar has a plastic drain line that hangs past the rim of the pipe underneath it. **Please adjust or cut this drain so that there is 2 inches of space between where the ice drains, and the drain that catches the waste water.

Non-priority Violations: 4

3717-1-03.4(C) / Thawing – temperature and time control.
TCS foods not properly thawed. *Observed cheese that was reportedly frozen, thawing at room temperature on the counter. **Cheese was placed into the cooler, please use approved thawing methods for all frozen TCS foods.

3717-1-03.2(K) / In-use utensils – between-use storage.
Repeat In-use utensils improperly stored. *Observed the scoop for the ice bin stored directly on top of the ice machine, as well as the kitchen knives that were in use stored between the prep tables. **Ice scoop was placed into a container, and knives were removed and cleaned, please make sure in use utensils are stored in easily cleanable areas.

3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Repeat Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. *Observed the interiors of both microwaves were dirty. **Please clean these surfaces.

3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Facility not maintained clean. *Observed grease and dry food debris underneath most of the equipment in the kitchen. **Please maintain facility clean.

Nov. 6, 2019 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 6

3717-1-05.1(O)(1) / Using a handwashing sink – accessible at all times
Critical CorrectedDuringInsp Handwashing sink not accessible. *Observed tall trash can in front of the hand sink, and an additional trash can in the hand sink, preventing access. **These were moved, please make sure hand sink is available at all times.

3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food – preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. *observed cooked ribs, frozen tater tots, and frozen tacos in the reach in cooler and freezer that were uncovered. **Items were covered, please make sure items are protected from contamination during storage.

3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean. *Observed dry food debris built up on the meat slicer, as well as on the potato slicer. **These were taken apart to be cleaned during inspection, please make sure these surfaces are sanitized regularly.

3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food – cold holding.
Critical CorrectedDuringInsp TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature. *Observed virtually all TCS items in the reach in cooler between 44*F-48*F. PIC elected to move these items to the walk-in cooler until this unit can be repaired, please ensure this unit is capable of holding temperature before placing items back in it.

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. *Observed the following items missing date marking:-In house made cole slaw front cooler-Cooked sausage in both the reach in and prep coolers.-Cooked portioned chicken in the prep cooler.**Please make sure all TCS ready to eat items that are kept over 24 hours are date marked.

3717-1-05.3(C) / Sewage and other liquid waste: Backflow prevention.
Critical Direct connection between the sewage system and a drain originating from equipment in which food, portable equipment, or utensils are placed. *Observed the ice chest at the bar did not have a 2 inch air gap available. **Please have this pipe adjusted to provide a 2 inch space between the drain and the drain line.

Non-priority Violations: 3

3717-1-03.2(K) / In-use utensils – between-use storage.
Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp In-use utensils improperly stored. *Observed portioning cup stored in the cole slaw in the front cooler, as well as in the Italian dressing in the prep cooler. Also observed knife stored in space between prep cooler and counter. **Please store scoops outside of food items unless they are going to go through an additional cooking step, and utensils in easily cleanable areas. Items were moved.

3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Repeat Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. *Observed interior of microwaves were dirty with food debris. **Please make sure these surfaces are cleaned.

3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Repeat Ventilation system not maintained. *Observed build up of material on the vents for the ventilation hood. **Please keep these vents clean to reduce the risk of fires.

April 2, 2019 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 3

3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food – preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. *observed several items in the reach in cooler as well as the reach in freezer that were not in a cooling state, and did not have covering to protect them from contamination. **Please make sure items are covered or wrapped during storage to protect them from contamination.

3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Ready-to-eat, TCS food not properly discarded when required. *Observed French onion soup and corned beef that were marked as being made on 3/20 (inspection 4/2), as well as chili marked as being made 3/18. **Soup was discarded, chef believed corned beef was a mistake, and remarked this with the correct date, chili had not been remarked when thawed from frozen. Please be more carful with date marking, inaccurate dates could cause confusion and lead to expired food items being used for service. Additionally, make sure any items that are frozen are marked when thawed, these items will only have a total of 7 days still, so if they are frozen with 3 days left, they still have only 3 days after being thawed.

3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Repeat Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet. *Observed that the rubber drain to the ice chest at the bar dips past the air break underneath it. **Please provide at least 2 inches of space between the drain line and the air break.

Non-priority Violations: 4

3717-1-04.1(Y) / Temperature measuring devices.
CorrectedDuringInsp Hot and cold holding equipment thermometer was missing, located incorrectly, or not easily readable. *Observed that the prep cooler was missing a thermometer, and the small true cooler near the ice machine had a thermometer located in the back. **Please keep these units stocked with thermometer located in the warmest part of the cooler.

3717-1-05.4(H) / Toilet room receptacle – covered.
No covered receptacle in women’s restroom. **Please provide covered cans to the womens restrooms.

3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Facility not maintained clean. *Observed a build up of food debris and grease under and behind the grill and fry line. **Please keep these areas clean to help limit the attraction of pests.

3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Ventilation system not maintained. *Observed a build up of burned material on the ventilation for the grill line. **Please make sure these vents are maintained to minimize the risk of fires.

Oct. 30, 2018 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 2

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. *Observed ham that was marked as being thawed on 10/22 on 10/30. Reportedly, ham had been refrozen and was just thawed again yesterday. Please keep in mind that refreezing items only pauses the date it must be disposed on, it does not reset the time. **Items were marked with their proper date of disposition.

3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet. *Observed all the ice chests at the bar, and near the server station lacked a 2 inch air gap. Prep sink in the kitchen has the proper gap after removing an unnecessary pipe that was installed, please keep this as such or add a small cone if water is splashing in excess. **Have pipes raised or cut to provide a 2 inch air gap to all ice chests.

Non-priority Violations: 4

3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Handwashing sign(s) not posted. *Observed neither the men’s or the women’s rest room which are used by employees with proper handwashing signage. **Please replace these signs so employees are informed of their responsibility to thoroughly wash their hands before returning to work.

3717-1-03.2(Y) / Miscellaneous sources of contamination.
CorrectedDuringInsp Food not protected from contamination. *Observed wings and cooked chicken being stored in the reach in cooler that were uncovered. **Items were covered with plastic wrap, please keep all items that are not in the process of cooling covered in order to protect them from contamination.

3717-1-03.2(K) / In-use utensils – between-use storage.
CorrectedDuringInsp In-use utensils improperly stored. *Observed ice scoop at bar ice chest which was stored with the handle directly contacting the ice. **Keep ice scoop handle elevated or out of the chest all together to avoid contaminating product.

3717-1-03.2(K) / In-use utensils – between-use storage.
CorrectedDuringInsp In-use utensils improperly stored. *Observed in-use knives being stored between the prep cooler and the cutting table. **Please store utensils on a dry, easily cleanable surface to prevent them from becoming contaminated.

April 12, 2018 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 4

3717-1-02.4(B) / Person in charge: demonstration of knowledge.
Critical The person in charge was unable to demonstrate proper knowledge of food safety and prevention.
To prevent or correct factors that may cause foodborne illness, based on the risks inherent to the food operation, during inspections and upon request, the person in charge shall demonstrate to the licensor the applicable food safety knowledge at the time of inspection.
3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. Observed marinara sauce not being date marked.
To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one.
3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Repeat Ready-to-eat, TCS food that had been date marked was not properly discarded when required. Observed coleslaw, baked beans, and burnt ends marked for discard on 3/31 in the facility on 4/12.
To prevent illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat TCS food that has been date marked in the facility shall be discarded if it: (a) exceeds the temperature or time specified in (G)(1) of this rule, except the time the food is frozen; (b) is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; or (c) is marked with a date or day that exceeds the time and temperature combination specified in (G)(1) of this rule. **Items were discarded at time of inspection.
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Repeat Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty. Observed the fry cutter to have a build up of old food debris.
To prevent contamination, equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.

Non-priority Violations: 3

3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are dirty. Observed the following:1). Build up of food residue in the reach in cooler2). Sides of grill top/fryer to have an accumulation of grease debris.
Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept clean.
3717-1-05.1(S)(2) / Plumbing system – maintained in good repair.
The plumbing system was not properly maintained. Observed leak coming off of 3 compartment sink plumbing.
A plumbing system shall be properly maintained.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed a build-up of grease and food debris under the cooking equipment.
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.

Feb. 16, 2018 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 2

3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Repeat Ready-to-eat, TCS food that had been date marked was not properly discarded when required. Observed the following items in the facility on 2/16 with a date mark to discard on: brisket ends 2/2, pulled pork 2/6, corned beef 2/8, hot dogs 1/30, chili 2/8, mac n cheese 2/10
To prevent illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat TCS food that has been date marked in the facility shall be discarded if it: (a) exceeds the temperature or time specified in (G)(1) of this rule, except the time the food is frozen; (b) is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; or (c) is marked with a date or day that exceeds the time and temperature combination specified in (G)(1) of this rule. *Items were pulled and discarded
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Repeat Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty. Observed the fry cutter to have build up of old fry debris.
To prevent contamination, equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.

Non-priority Violations: 2

3701-21-25(I) OAC / Level one certification in food protection
Repeat The FSO did not have a person in charge that had completed a Level One Certification course.
As discussed the facility must have 1 person at all times the facility is operation with atleast a level 1 certification in food protection.
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / Person in charge: assignment of responsibility.
Repeat Facility did not have one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service with level two certification in food protection.
At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall obtain the level two certification in food protection according to rule 3701-21-25 of the Administrative Code. **Reportedly level 2 certificate is in office but employees could not get into locked office.

Sept. 6, 2017 Follow-up Inspection

Priority Violations: 3

3717-1-02.4(C)(14) / Person in charge: duties – ensure employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report their health information
Critical Repeat Person in charge did not ensure that employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health.
To prevent transmission of foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that food and conditional employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health as it relates to diseases that are transmissible through food.
3717-1-02.4(C)(9) / Person in charge: duties – ensure consumers who order raw or undercooked foods are provided a consumer advisory
Critical Repeat The person in charge did not ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety. Observed serveral items offered under cooked on the menu where a proper consumer advisory was on the menu.
To prevent foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked ready to eat animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety.
3717-1-03.5(E) / Consumer advisory.
Critical Repeat The consumer is not properly advised of the risk of consuming raw or undercooked animal foods. Observed several items on the menu offered undercooked that did not have an asterisks to correspond to a consumer advisory at the bottom of the menu. Also observed “flags” instead of an asterisk.
To properly inform consumers, except for whole-muscle intact beef steaks, if an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish is served or sold raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being processed to eliminate pathogens, either in ready-to-eat form, or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, the license holder shall inform consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming such food by way of a disclosure and reminder using brochures, deli-case or menu advisory, label statements, table tents, placards, or other effective written means.The reminder shall include asterisking the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure to a footnote that states: (1) Regarding the safety of these items, written information is available upon request; (2) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness; or (3) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

Non-priority Violations: 3

3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / Person in charge: assignment of responsibility.
Repeat Facility did not have one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service with level two certification in food protection.
At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall obtain the level two certification in food protection according to rule 3701-21-25 of the Administrative Code.
3717-1-02.4(C)(16) / Person in charge: duties – ensure the facility has written procedures for vomiting and diarrheal events.
Repeat Person-in-charge did not ensure that the facility has written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events..
Person in charge shall ensure that the FSO or RFE have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involved discharge onto surfaces.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Observed a build-up of heavy grease debris in the filters of the hood system.
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.

Aug. 10, 2017 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 8

3717-1-02.4(C)(14) / Person in charge: duties – ensure employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report their health information
Critical Person in charge did not ensure that employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health.
To prevent transmission of foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that food and conditional employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health as it relates to diseases that are transmissible through food.
3717-1-02.4(C)(9) / Person in charge: duties – ensure consumers who order raw or undercooked foods are provided a consumer advisory
Critical The person in charge did not ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety. Observed serveral items offered under cooked on the menu where a proper consumer advisory was on the menu.
To prevent foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked ready to eat animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety.
3717-1-03.4(F)(1) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food – hot and cold holding.
Critical TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. Observed several in house made sauces in bottles at room temperature.
To prevent the growth of pathogens, except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135°F or above (except that roasts cooked using time and temperature parameters in 3717-1-03.3 may be held at 130° F), or at 41°F or less.
3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. Observed coleslaw, ham, baked beans, brats, deli meats, soups not date marked in the reach in cooler. Also observed in house made sauces not being date marked.
To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one.
3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Ready-to-eat, TCS food that had been date marked was not properly discarded when required. Observed salami dated for 6/16 in the facility on 8/10 & and deli ham where the date was unreadable.
To prevent illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat TCS food that has been date marked in the facility shall be discarded if it: (a) exceeds the temperature or time specified in (G)(1) of this rule, except the time the food is frozen; (b) is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; or (c) is marked with a date or day that exceeds the time and temperature combination specified in (G)(1) of this rule. *Products were discarded at the time of inspection.
3717-1-03.5(E) / Consumer advisory.
Critical The consumer is not properly advised of the risk of consuming raw or undercooked animal foods. Observed several items on the menu offered undercooked that did not have an asterisks to correspond to a consumer advisory at the bottom of the menu. Also observed “flags” instead of an asterisk.
To properly inform consumers, except for whole-muscle intact beef steaks, if an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish is served or sold raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being processed to eliminate pathogens, either in ready-to-eat form, or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, the license holder shall inform consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming such food by way of a disclosure and reminder using brochures, deli-case or menu advisory, label statements, table tents, placards, or other effective written means.The reminder shall include asterisking the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure to a footnote that states: (1) Regarding the safety of these items, written information is available upon request; (2) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness; or (3) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Repeat Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty. Observed fry cutter with accumulation of old food debris.
To prevent contamination, equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.
3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Repeat Observed the air gap between a plumbing fixture and a piece of equipment that was not sufficient to prevent back siphonage of contaminated water. Observed air break where plumbing was dipping down into floor drain on 2 compartment sink used as preparation sink.
To prevent contamination, an air gap between the water supply inlet and the flood level rim of the plumbing fixture, equipment, or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice the diameter of the water supply inlet and may not be less than one inch (25 millimeters). *Provide 2 inch air gap on sink drain.

Non-priority Violations: 6

3701-21-25(I) OAC / Level one certification in food protection
Repeat The FSO did not have a person in charge that had completed a Level One Certification course.

3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / Person in charge: assignment of responsibility.
Facility did not have one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service with level two certification in food protection.
At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall obtain the level two certification in food protection according to rule 3701-21-25 of the Administrative Code.
3717-1-02.4(C)(16) / Person in charge: duties – ensure the facility has written procedures for vomiting and diarrheal events.
Person-in-charge did not ensure that the facility has written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events..
Person in charge shall ensure that the FSO or RFE have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events that involved discharge onto surfaces.
3717-1-03.4(C) / Thawing – temperature and time control.
Repeat TCS foods were not properly thawed. Observed beef thawing in in the 3 compartment sink under hot running water.
TCS food shall be thawed as required in this ruTCS food shall be thawed: (1) Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41°F less; (2) completely submerged under running water at a water temperature of 70°F or below, with sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow, and for a period of time that does not allow the food to exceed 41°F, or for a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of raw animal food requiring cooking to exceed 41°F; (3) As part of a cooking process if the food that is frozen is cooked to the proper temperature, or thawed in a microwave and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment with no interruption in the process; or (4) Using any procedure if a portion of frozen ready to eat food is thawed and prepared for immediate service in response to an individual order.le.
3717-1-06.2(B) / Handwashing cleanser – availability.
Repeat Observed no supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder or bar soap at the handwashing sink in the kitchen.
To ensure proper cleaning of hands, each handwashing sink or group of two adjacent handwashing sinks shall be provided with a supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder, or bar soap.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Observed a build-up of heavy grease debris in the filters of the hood system.
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.

Feb. 27, 2017 Follow-up Inspection

Priority Violations: 1

3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Repeat Observed the air gap between a plumbing fixture and a piece of equipment that was not sufficient to prevent back siphonage of contaminated water. Observed drain on 2 bay sink used as preparation sink dipping down into floor crock.
To prevent contamination, an air gap between the water supply inlet and the flood level rim of the plumbing fixture, equipment, or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice the diameter of the water supply inlet and may not be less than one inch (25 millimeters). *Provide 2 inch air gap on drain line.

Non-priority Violations: 2

3717-1-04.4(F)(1) / Warewashing sinks – use limitation.
Repeat Observed employee using the 2 compartment sink with sprayer to spray off food debris then place at the 3 compartment sink.
A warewashing sink may not be used for handwashing as specified under paragraph (D) of rule 3717-1-02.2 of this code. *The sprayer should be located on the 3 compartment sink with a faucet and a faucet on the 2 compartment sink so it can correctly be used as a prep sink when thawing under cool running water. Currently 2 compartment sink is not capable of running water.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Observed a build-up of dirt and debris:1). On the floors under the fryers2). Heavy grease build up in the vent/hood system
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.

Feb. 9, 2017 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 4

3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Ready-to-eat, TCS food that had been date marked was not properly discarded when required. Observed sauerkraut dated 1/14, corned beef 2/8 for discard, lunch meats 2/8 for discard and pasta salads for 1/26 at time of inspection on 2/9/17.
To prevent illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat TCS food that has been date marked in the facility shall be discarded if it: (a) exceeds the temperature or time specified in (G)(1) of this rule, except the time the food is frozen; (b) is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; or (c) is marked with a date or day that exceeds the time and temperature combination specified in (G)(1) of this rule. *Person in charge discarded all out of date items.
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Repeat Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty. Observed the potato slicer to have build up of debris.
To prevent contamination, equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.
3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Repeat Observed the air gap between a plumbing fixture and a piece of equipment that was not sufficient to prevent back siphonage of contaminated water. Observed drain on 2 bay sink used as preparation sink dipping down into floor crock.
To prevent contamination, an air gap between the water supply inlet and the flood level rim of the plumbing fixture, equipment, or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice the diameter of the water supply inlet and may not be less than one inch (25 millimeters). *Provide 2 inch air gap on drain line.
3717-1-07(B) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Working containers – common name.
Critical Observed working containers of poisonous or toxic chemicals that were not properly labeled with the name of the material. Observed bottles of sanitizer without being labled with contents.
To prevent health hazards, working containers used for poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material.

Non-priority Violations: 7

3701-21-25(I) OAC / Level one certification in food protection
Repeat The FSO did not have a person in charge that had completed a Level One Certification course.

3717-1-03.4(C) / Thawing – temperature and time control.
Repeat TCS foods were not properly thawed. Observed chicken thawing in 3 compartment sink without running water.
TCS food shall be thawed: (1) Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41°F less; (2) completely submerged under running water at a water temperature of 70°F or below, with sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow, and for a period of time that does not allow the food to exceed 41°F, or for a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of raw animal food requiring cooking to exceed 41°F; (3) As part of a cooking process if the food that is frozen is cooked to the proper temperature, or thawed in a microwave and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment with no interruption in the process; or (4) Using any procedure if a portion of frozen ready to eat food is thawed and prepared for immediate service in response to an individual order. *Employee is reportedly to prep chicken immediately.
3717-1-04.4(F)(1) / Warewashing sinks – use limitation.
Observed employee using the 2 compartment sink with sprayer to spray off food debris then place at the 3 compartment sink.
A warewashing sink may not be used for handwashing as specified under paragraph (D) of rule 3717-1-02.2 of this code. *The sprayer should be located on the 3 compartment sink with a faucet and a faucet on the 2 compartment sink so it can correctly be used as a prep sink when thawing under cool running water. Currently 2 compartment sink is not capable of running water.
3717-1-06.1(I) / Light bulbs – protective shielding.
Observed light bulbs or heat lamp that were not properly shielded or coated where required on the heat lamp.
Light bulbs shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant in areas where there is exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, or linens, or unwrapped single-service or single-use articles and does not apply in areas used only for storing food in unopened packages. An infrared or other heat lamp shall be protected against breakage by a shield surrounding and extending beyond the bulb so that only the face of the bulb is exposed.
3717-1-06.2(C) / Handwashing sinks – hand drying provision.
Observed no towels or hand drying device at the handwashing sink. Observed no paper towels at the handsink.
To prevent contamination by hands, each handwashing sink or group of adjacent handwashing sinks shall beprovided with: Individual, disposable towels; a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel; a heated-air hand drying device; or a hand drying device that employs an air-knife system that delivers high velocity, pressurized air at ambient temperatures.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed a build-up of dirt and debris:1). On the floors under the fryers2). Heavy grease build up in the vent/hood system
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
The ventilation system was not being properly cleaned. Observed vent above potato slicer to have build up of dirt and debris.
Intake and exhaust air ducts shall be cleaned and filters changed so they are not a source of contamination. If vented to the outside, ventilation systems may not create a public health hazard or nuisance or unlawful discharge.

Aug. 30, 2016 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 4

3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. Observed items not being date marked taco meat, coleslaw, meat.
To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one. *Corrected during inspection: employee date marked items that were prepared within reportedly 7 days.
3717-1-03.4(H)(1) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – disposition.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Ready-to-eat, TCS food that had been date marked was not properly discarded when required. Observed hot dogs dated 8/9, chili 8/22, clam chowder 8/27, pit stop sauce 8/15, 7/20 nacho cheese sauce.
To prevent illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat TCS food that has been date marked in the facility shall be discarded if it: (a) exceeds the temperature or time specified in (G)(1) of this rule, except the time the food is frozen; (b) is in a container or package that does not bear a date or day; or (c) is marked with a date or day that exceeds the time and temperature combination specified in (G)(1) of this rule. Corrected during inspection: employee discarded all products.
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty. Observed potato slicer to have build up of old food debris.
To prevent contamination, equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch.
3717-1-05.1(J) / Backflow prevention device – when required.
Critical Observed no air gap or approved backflow prevention device on the plumbing system. Observed no backflow prevention device on the mop sink.
To prevent contamination, a plumbing system shall be installed to preclude backflow of a solid, liquid, or gas contaminant into the water supply system at each point of use at the FSO or RFE, including on a hose bibb if a hose is attached or on a hose bibb if a hose is not attached and backflow prevention is required by the Ohio building code, by: (1) Providing an air gap as specified under paragraph (D) of this rule; or (2) Installing an approved backflow prevention device as specified under paragraph (E) of this rule.

Non-priority Violations: 5

3701-21-25(I) OAC / Level one certification in food protection
The FSO did not have a person in charge that had completed a Level One Certification course.

3717-1-03.4(C) / Thawing – temperature and time control.
Repeat TCS foods were not properly thawed. Observed raw beef thawing on the counter.
TCS food shall be thawed: (1) Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41°F less; (2) completely submerged under running water at a water temperature of 70°F or below, with sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow, and for a period of time that does not allow the food to exceed 41°F, or for a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of raw animal food requiring cooking to exceed 41°F; (3) As part of a cooking process if the food that is frozen is cooked to the proper temperature, or thawed in a microwave and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment with no interruption in the process; or (4) Using any procedure if a portion of frozen ready to eat food is thawed and prepared for immediate service in response to an individual order. *Employee placed beef in cooler.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
There is no test kit available for measuring the concentration of the quaternary ammonium sanitizer (tablets).
To ensure proper sanitization, a test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in PPM (mg/L) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided.
3717-1-06.2(B) / Handwashing cleanser – availability.
Observed no supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder or bar soap at the handwashing sink in the kitchen.
To ensure proper cleaning of hands, each handwashing sink or group of two adjacent handwashing sinks shall be provided with a supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder, or bar soap.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed a build-up of dirt and debris under the fryers/grill.
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.

Jan. 26, 2016 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 1

3717-1-04.4(N)(3) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, using chemical sanitization (quaternary ammonium) – temp., pH, concentration, and hardness
Critical Corrected During Inspection A quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution did not meet the minimum requirements for temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness. Observed the sanitizer concentration of the the back 3 compartment sink and the bar to only be 100 ppm.
To prevent pathogen growth, a quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution shall have a concentration of 200ppm. *Corrected during inspection: employee added quaternary ammonium tablet to both sinks to be 200 ppm.

Non-priority Violations: 2

3701–21-25(I) OAC / Level one certification in food protection
The FSO did not have a person in charge that had completed a Level One Certification course.

3717-1-06.2(I)(3) / Lighting – intensity (50)
The light intensity in an area where an employee was working with food, utensils or equipment was less than fifty foot candles. Observed the kitchen at 20ft candles.
The light intensity shall be at least fifty foot candles (five hundred forty lux) at a surface where a food employee is working with food, utensils or equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders, or saws where employee safety is a factor.

Nov. 9, 2015 Follow-up Inspection

Priority Violations: 1

3717-1-02.4(B) / Person in charge: demonstration of knowledge.
Critical Repeat The person in charge was unable to demonstrate proper knowledge of food safety and prevention. Observed the person-in-charge unable to demonstrate knowledge on proper cooling and thawing methods.
To prevent or correct factors that may cause foodborne illness, based on the risks inherent to the food operation, during inspections and upon request, the person in charge shall demonstrate to the licensor the applicable food safety knowledge at the time of inspection.

Non-priority Violations: 0

Oct. 15, 2015 Standard Inspection

Priority Violations: 5

3717-1-02.4(B) / Person in charge: demonstration of knowledge.
Critical The person in charge was unable to demonstrate proper knowledge of food safety and prevention. Observed the person-in-charge unable to demonstrate knowledge on proper cooling and thawing methods.
To prevent or correct factors that may cause foodborne illness, based on the risks inherent to the food operation, during inspections and upon request, the person in charge shall demonstrate to the licensor the applicable food safety knowledge at the time of inspection.
3717-1-02.4(C)(8) / Person in charge: duties – ensure consumers who order raw or undercooked foods are provided a consumer advisory
Critical The person in charge did not ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety.
To prevent foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that consumers who order raw or partially cooked ready to eat animal foods are informed that the food was not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety.
3717-1-03.4(G) / Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food – date marking.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. Observed cheeses, deli meats, soup, and lettuce that were not being date marked.
To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one. *Corrected during inspection: Person-in-charge date marked all TCS ready-to-eat products.
3717-1-03.5(E) / Consumer advisory.
Critical The consumer is not properly advised of the risk of consuming raw or undercooked animal foods. Observed the menu with no consumer advisory posted.
To properly inform consumers, except for whole-muscle intact beef steaks, if an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish is served or sold raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being processed to eliminate pathogens, either in ready-to-eat form, or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, the license holder shall inform consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming such food by way of a disclosure and reminder using brochures, deli-case or menu advisory, label statements, table tents, placards, or other effective written means.The reminder shall include asterisking the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure to a footnote that states: (1) Regarding the safety of these items, written information is available upon request; (2) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness; or (3) Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention – air gap.
Critical Observed the air gap on the preparation sink between the plumbing fixture and a piece of equipment that was not sufficient to prevent back siphonage of contaminated water.
To prevent contamination, an air gap between the water supply inlet and the flood level rim of the plumbing fixture, equipment, or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice the diameter of the water supply inlet and may not be less than one inch (25 millimeters).

Non-priority Violations: 3

3717-1-03.4(C) / Thawing – temperature and time control.
TCS foods were not properly being thawed. Observed frozen beef and chicken placed on the counter to begin to thaw.
TCS food shall be thawed: (1) Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41˚F less; (2) completely submerged under running water at a water temperature of 70˚F or below, with sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow, and for a period of time that does not allow the food to exceed 41˚F, or for a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of raw animal food requiring cooking to exceed 41°F; (3) As part of a cooking process if the food that is frozen is cooked to the proper temperature, or thawed in a microwave and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment with no interruption in the process; or (4) Using any procedure if a portion of frozen ready to eat food is thawed and prepared for immediate service in response to an individual order.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are dirty. Observed the microwave to be soiled with old food debris.
Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept clean.
3717-1-06.4(F) / Drying mops.
Observed mops being dried using an unapproved method. Observed mop being dried in bucket.
After use, mops shall be placed in a position that allows them to air-dry without soiling walls, equipment, or supplies.

Sept. 1, 2015 Consultation Inspection

Priority Violations: 0

No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection.

Non-priority Violations: 0

No violations were documented at the time of inspection.

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