Castle to offer cooking class virtually on Monday | News, Sports, Jobs

Kyle Yoho, education director at The Castle Historic House in Marietta, will be a presenter for the virtual picnic class in partnership with The Cook’s Shop in Marietta on Monday.

The Castle Historic House Museum in Marietta is offering people an opportunity to get ready for picnic season with a virtual historic cooking class Monday.

This class, named “Let’s Go Outside,” is being conducted in partnership with The Cook’s Shop in downtown Marietta.

Registered attendees will have the opportunity to create some historic picnic fare, and learn its history, as well as learn about logistics, considerations, and devices from picnics of the past.

Those attendees will receive recipes, and a chance to ask questions as a demonstration on how to elements of that recipe and participate in a historical discussion on the subject.

The co-presenters of the event are Dagmar Kupsche, the owner of The Cook’s Shop in Marietta, and Kyle Yoho, the education director at the Castle.

It will be presented via Zoom 7-8 p.m. from The Cook’s Shop to wherever the attendee can attend online, at home, for example.

Picnic foods being made in the class are:

¯ Mrs. Wm. Nye’s Chicken Salad with “Durkie’s Salad Dressing.”

¯ Potatoes in Croquettes.

¯ Slaw.

¯ Minnehaha Cake.

For more information and to register, visit their website at or contact Yoho at (740) 373-4180.. The class costs $8.

Larry Launstein Jr. can be reached at [email protected]

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