Turkey Chili with Peppers, Mushrooms, and Olives – Kalyn’s Kitchen
Turkey Chili with Peppers, Mushrooms, and Olives is so tasty and the spicy flavors plus olives make this one of...
Turkey Chili with Peppers, Mushrooms, and Olives is so tasty and the spicy flavors plus olives make this one of...
These delicious thyme-seasoned Roasted Carrots and Mushrooms are a perfect side dish for a special meal! And we used a...
Here are my best Low-Carb Leftover Turkey Recipes for anyone who wants get right back on track after Thanksgiving! And...
Here’s my updated collection of Keto Side Dishes, Appetizers, and Salads for the Holidays, and all these holiday recipes are...
Low-Carb Slow Cooker Pulled Pork has homemade low-sugar barbecue sauce that makes the pork savory and delicious! There’s also a...
Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash is delicious for dinner, and with a moderate portion size this recipe is surprising low in...
Chicken Barley Soup can also be made with leftover turkey, and this soup is surprisingly low in net carbs for...
I’ve updated this recipe for Turkey Pinto Bean Chili so it has lots more turkey and fewer beans to make...
If you buy those big packs of Power Greens at Costco, this cheesy Power Greens Breakfast Casserole is a perfect...
If you’ve enjoyed Chicken Shawarma in a Middle Eastern restaurant, you’re going to love this flavorful low-carb Chicken Shawarma Wrap!...