Deep Fried Turkey – The Cookie Rookie®
This deep fried turkey recipe is the perfect main course for any holiday meal. Start with an herb-filled wet brine,...
This deep fried turkey recipe is the perfect main course for any holiday meal. Start with an herb-filled wet brine,...
Homemade Cosmic Brownies are just like the childhood treats you loved, but even better! Homemade fudgy brownies are topped with...
Hot Bacon Feta Dip scores an appetizer touchdown on game day–it’s easy, quick, and delicious. I have always loved feta and...
This crockpot baked ziti recipe is made with a delicious Italian seasoned pasta sauce with three different kinds of cheeses,...
These traditional rum balls are filled with coconut and chocolate flavors, and of course, rum! This boozy, bite-sized dessert is...
Trashed Wings might just be the BEST wings ever! Essentially, they’re just chicken wings that are flash fried, coated in...
These are the BEST oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you’ll ever taste! Perfectly soft and chewy, with the sweetness of chocolate...
Homemade Naan Bread is so soft, chewy, and perfect for topping with garlic ghee! It’s so easy and rewarding to...